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From our beginning in 2007 and into the future, Infinity relies on your desire to champion gender equity and diversity in the judiciary through philanthropic investment in the long-arc of systems change. 


The work we do together today impacts the pipeline of the future.  Thank you for your impact today and for your vision for a more diverse bench in the future! 

Join our list of supporters by sending a note to Julie Morrison or by contributing to the project.

Gustafson Gluek PLLC

Gustafson Gluek PLLC

2021 Five-Year Lead Donor for Judge Murphy Legacy Circle

Greene Espel PLLP

Greene Espel PLLP

2021 Five-Year Lead Sustaining Donor: Infinity Investor's Circle

Robins Kaplan LLC

Robins Kaplan LLC

2022 Five-Year Lead Sustaining Donor: Infinity Investor's Circle

Maslon LLP

Maslon LLP

2021 Lead Donor: Infinity Catalyst Circle

Best & Flanagan LLP

Best & Flanagan LLP

2021 Five-Year Lead Sustaining Donor: Infinity Catalyst Circle

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

2021 Five-Year Lead Sustaining Donor: Infinity Catalyst Circle

2021/2022 Lead Donors

2021/2022 Lead Donors

We thank you for making our mission possible!

Fredrikson & Byron

Fredrikson & Byron

Fredrikson & Byron Foundation - Infinity Project Friends


Hon. Pam Alexander, Hennepin County District Court
Mary Ann E. Archer, William Mitchell College of Law
Donna Bailey
Prof. Beverly Balos, University of Minnesota Law School
Lisa Barton, Greater Twin Cities United Way
Jeanette M. Bazis, Greene Espel PLLP
Virginia Bell, Director at Collaborative Community Law Initiative
Jennifer Benowitz
Honorable Gail Chang Bohr, Ramsey County District Court  (retired)
Honorable Hildy Bowbeer,  Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court Minnesota
Thomas H. Boyd, Winthrop & Weinstine PA
Dean Lisa Montpetit Brabbit, University of St. Thomas School of Law
Honorable Diane B. Bratvold, Judge, Minnesota Court of Appeals
Sarah L. Brew, Faegre Baker Daniels
Susan Burns, Attorney at Law
Shelley Carthen Watson, University of Minnesota General Counsel’s Office
Carolyn Chalmers, University of Minnesota Office for Conflict Resolution
Prof. Carol L. Chomsky, University of Minnesota Law School
Honorable Margaret H. Chutich, Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court
Karen R. Cole, Attorney at Law
Honorable Elizabeth V. Cutter, Judge, Hennepin Co. District Court
Annamarie A. Daley, Jones Day
Daniel’la P. Deering, Lockheed Martin
Andriel Dees, Capella University
Doreen D. Dodson, The Stolar Partnership, LLP
Colleen M. Doran, Attorney at Law
Kathryn M. Engdahl, Metcalf Kaspari Howard Engdahl & Lazarus
Prof. Marie Failinger, Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Prof. Mary Louise Fellows, University of Minnesota Law School (Emeritus)
Debra Fitzpatrick, Center on Women, Gender and Public Policy, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Katherine Flom, Meshbesher & Spence, Ltd.
Beth Forsyth, Attorney at Law
Prof. Barbara Frey, Human Rights Program, University of Minnesota
Luz Maria Frias, Minneapolis Foundation
Marlene S. Garvis, Marlene Garvis LLC
Keesha Gaskins, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Karla Gluek, Gustafson Gluek PLLC
Maureen Watz Gornik, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
Dan Gustafson, Gustafson Gluek PLLC
Laura J. Hein, Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett PA
Kathryn M. Hibbard, Greene Espel PLLP
Cecily L. Hines, Cybervista
Susan M. Holden, SiebenCarey P.A.
Jean Holloway   Cryolife
Linda Holstein, Holstein Law Group
Rachel C. Hughey, Merchant & Gould PC
Kay Nord Hunt, Lommen Abdo Cole King & Stageberg PA
Prof. Eric S. Janus, Mitchell Hamline College of Law
Benjamin Johnson
Prof. Ann Juergens, Mitchell Hamline College of Law
Linda Keillor Berg
Prof. Sally Kenney, Tulane University
Prof. Heidi Kitrosser, University of Minnesota Law School
Barbara Klas, @Legaldiscovery
Hon. Mary Louise Klas, (retired)
Hon. Raymond R. Krause, Chief Judge, Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings  (retired)

Terri Krivosha, Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand LLP
Susan Lach, Messerli & Kramer PA
Hon. Harriet Lansing, Minnesota Court of Appeals  (retired)
Jeannine L. Lee, Stinson LLP (ret.)
Prof. Raleigh Hannah Levine, Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Don Lewis, Nilan Johnson Lewis
Susan J. Link, Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand LLP
Norman Linnell, Donaldson Company, DNC
Katherine L. MacKinnon, Law Offices of Katherine MacKinnon
Katherine A. McBride, Meagher & Geer PLLP
Teresa Fariss McClain, Robins Kaplan
Sarah J. McGuire, Attorney at Law
President Tom Mengler, St. Mary’s University-San Antonio
Sonia Miller-Van Oort, Sapientia Law Group
Nicole M. Moen, Fredrikson & Byron PA
Jacqueline A. Mrachek, Greene Espel PLLP
Nicole Narotzky, Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand LLP
Laura Nelson, Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP
Hon. Cara Lee Neville, Minnesota Fourth Judicial District  (retired) Benchmark National ADR, LLC
Charles W. Naughton, Scintilla Media, LLC
Ralph J. Overholt, Attorney at Law
Rebecca Palmer, Attorney at Law, MnCasa
Helen Palmer, League of Women Voters Minnesota
Therese M. Pautz Neuvest
Deb Pexa, Minnesota Women Lawyers
Erin Sindberg Porter, Jones Day
Laura Provinzino, U.S. Attorney’s Office
Susan C. Rhode, Moss & Barnett PA
Ellen G. Sampson, Leonard Street and Deinard
Hon. Kathleen Sanberg, U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Haley Schaffer, Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand LLP
Lisa C. Stratton GenderJustice
Prof. Mike Steenson, Mitchell Hamline College of Law
Fredrikson & Byron PA
Christy M. Szitta Faegre & Benson LLP
Denise Y. Tataryn Mansfield Tanick & Cohen PA

Vildan Teske
Cheryl Thomas, Global Rights for Women
Laurie Vasichek, Attorney at Law
Hon. Mary R. Vasaly, Hennepin County District Court (ret.)
Vanessa Vogl  Minnesota Department of Human Services
Courtney Ward-Reichard, Nilan Johnson Lewis PA
Cathy Wassberg, Mitchell Hamline College of Law
Bonnie Watkins, Minnesota Women’s Consortium
Katherine Wiik, Best & Flanagan
Amanda Williams, Gustafson Gluek PLLC
Robin M. Wolpert, Sapientia Law Group
Elizabeth Cowan Wright, Attorney at Law
Barbara Zurek, Meegher & Geer PLLP

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In the Eighth Circuit Courts - Because Gender Fairness Matters

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