North Dakota Organizer(s):
Tim Purdon
Lori Conroy
Prof. Denitsa Mavrova Heinrich
Assoc. Dean Julia L. Ernst
A woman has NEVER served as an Article III federal judge in North Dakota!
North Dakota's one position on the Eighth Circuit and one of its two federal district court positions are held by men. A second federal district court seat is currently vacant.
Magistrate Judge Alice Senechal

22% of North Dakota’s state court judges are white women compared to 42% of the population and 0% are women of color compared to 6% of the population.
Gavel Gap
​Main photo: Members of SBAND’s Women Lawyers Section, state and federal judges, University of North Dakota Law students and faculty, state selection commissioners and others attended a new collaborative Infinity Project program focused on the judiciary – Judicial Service: A Guide to Judicial Application, Selection, and Appointment.
Recent News
It’s Time for a Federal Judicial Nominating Commission in North Dakota (2017)
Confirm Jennifer Klemestrud Puhl for the Eighth Circuit (2016)
Puhl, federal appeals court nominee from ND, slated for Senate hearing (2016)
Judicial Nominating Commission
So, You’re Applying for a Judgeship
Gender Fairness in North Dakota Courts
Judicial nominating commission statutes
Ballotpedia: Judicial Selection in North Dakota
The Women Lawyers Section of the State Bar Association of North Dakota was formed in 1998. Membership in the section is open to all, regardless of gender. The mission statement of the Women Lawyers Section is: The Women Lawyers Section of the State Bar Association of North Dakota is a voluntary organization dedicated to the fair and just development and application of the law by supporting and advancing the practice and visibility of women in the law through programming, networking opportunities, and free interchange of ideas.