The Infinity Project is proud to announce Gustafson Gluek PLLC as a founding member of the Infinity Project Judge Murphy Legacy Circle. The Judge Murphy Legacy Circle consists of impact investors who want to be major catalysts to achieving gender equity on the bench in Minnesota and the Eighth Circuit.

The Legacy Circle is named in honor of Judge Diana Murphy – the first female judge on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and the first female federal judge in Minnesota. Judge Murphy was a long-time friend of the Infinity Project and tireless advocate for women and gender equity, particularly in judicial nominations. Legacy Circle distinction will recognize those firms and individuals who advance the vision of Judge Murphy and the mission of the Infinity Project through a sustained and significant philanthropic commitment to the Project.
The Infinity Project is honored that Gustafson Gluck PLLC is the lead inaugural donor to the Judge Murphy Legacy Circle. Gustafson Gluek has committed $10,000 a year for at least the next five years to the Infinity Project to further our work and the vision of Judge Murphy: that justice is best achieved through diversity and inclusion on the bench. Gustafson Gluek has long understood the need for gender equity and inclusion and lives out this value through hiring and retention of 50% female attorneys and 50% female equity partners.
Karla Gluek became Firm Manager of Gustafson Gluek in September 2020.As the first female managing partner of the firm, Karla fully understands the long arc of systemic change needed to achieve gender equity and inclusion in the judiciary:
“The pipeline problem for women to the bench is significant, and the legal community leadership must do more. The Infinity Project has been committed to striving for and achieving gender equity on the bench since 2007. Having co-founded Gustafson Gluek in 2003 with my partner Dan Gustafson, I have witnessed the extraordinary work that the Infinity Project has done, and I believe this collaboration is critical based on our shared values and desire to do better. I am proud of my Gustafson Gluek colleagues for supporting the firm in this venture, and we challenge the big law firms in Minnesota to likewise make a long term commitment to the Infinity Project and join us in the Judge Diana Murphy Legacy Circle. Now is the time.”
Dan Gustafson, Gustafson Gluek co-founder and former Judge Murphy law clerk, echoes Karla’s appeal:
“Karla and our people want to extend our firm’s values by making a major impact on gender equity in the judiciary through this significant collaboration with the Infinity Project. Judge Murphy worked tirelessly to promote gender equality and fairness during her lifetime. I am happy that GG is honoring her legacy through the work of the Infinity Project. Who will join us?”
There have been just two women judges on the Eighth Circuit in its over 150-year history. That is an unacceptable reality given the many qualified women in the Circuit’s seven states. The Infinity Project invites you to make a difference. We urge you to follow Gustafson Gluek’s example and make a sustaining gift to the Infinity Project for five years or more at the $10,000 level, or at another level that is meaningful to your organization. One-time and individual contributions and support are also critically important to our work!
Please contact Executive Director Julie Morrison or Executive Committee member Jeanette Bazis to learn more about Infinity’s mission and how you can join us as catalysts for gender equity in the Eighth Circuit.